HomeTrendingDouble Zero Roulette: Why It's Popular in American Casinos

Double Zero Roulette: Why It’s Popular in American Casinos

If you are like us and have wondered what makes American roulette such a popular choice among American players in the United States, you have come to the right place. To be perfectly honest with you, double zero roulette is a bit of an enigma for us too. Why is it so cool to play it, players think, when there is an arguably better single zero roulette?

Well, there is no need to dwell on that too long as we have the answers right here for you. For starters, it’s just that there are more such roulette wheels in the US than there are single-zero roulette. So, the reasons are more interesting than what you may suspect.

A point of cultural pride

Right, the first and most evident reason why we are enjoying a sort of renaissance for double-zero roulette in the United States is as simple as cultural motivations. There is a strong to actually play double-zero roulette, which is not coincidentally called “American roulette.” 

This harps on the feeling of patriotism that many players share. Why would they play European roulette if there is American roulette already ready and waiting for them? This logic surprisingly sways the majority of players to give this type of game a shot. Which is precisely what they do in the first place. 

Yet, there are other reasons to play the game. Although it may appear that the house edge is too heavily stacked against you, the reality here is that you can navigate it subtly and still get a very good payout in the end. This is why many players set out to try their hand at double-ball roulette and give it their best shot.

Adapting the strategies to the game

American roulette does come with a few challenges that conventional strategies will need to be mindful of if they seek to make the most out of the game. You will need to understand that there are certain deviations from double to single zero roulette. They mostly boil down to:

  • The house edge is slightly higher at double-zero roulette
  • You can bet on a brand new five-number wager 
  • You should probably see what the probability of each bet becomes

Now, you will notice, upon closer perusal, that it is not that bad and that you will have the opportunity to enjoy yourself a great deal when playing online roulette. Players won’t be really hemmed in and incapable of playing double-zero roulette with their favorite strategies, but it would be great to take into consideration how the payouts change in the game.

Where the action is

Many players will turn to double zero roulette for one very obvious reason. You want to play this game as it will allow you to get together with other players. It’s true that players don’t want to play “better” versions of the game if there aren’t too many people there. And yes, it’s true – American roulette draws the biggest crowds in US casinos and this is simply the way things are. 

There is a huge incentive for most players to actually play the game that is most frequented by others and have an enjoyable time while doing it. Players are always drawn to the crowds after all.


So, what does make this game so popular in the first time? As it turns out, it’s simply the fact that the game is a home-grown version of its European counterpart. It’s perhaps just a tiny bit more favorable to the casinos that host it rather than the player, but this is nothing to really worry you too much, especially if you have grown up in the United States and are accustomed to the culture of gambling here. For the most part, we welcome you to give American or double zero roulette a fair shot and decide for yourself if it’s something that you enjoy.


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